Lim Kit Siang

What will Najib’s 100 Days Report be like?

(US President Barack Obama’s first 100 days are being evaluated not only in the United States but internationally, like the following Guardian UK piece. What will be the First 100 Days Report of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak be like?)

100 days: Obama the politician

Since entering the White House, Obama has shown himself to be a powerful and effective politician – if not a perfect one

by Lola Adesioy,
29 April 2009

One hundred days is not enough time to make any definitive conclusions about what to expect from Obama’s presidency. As many have been quick to point out, George Bush was very popular during his first 100 days. And look where he ended up.

What we have got so far, however, is a good sense of President Obama’s political style. In that regard his first 100 days have been, on the whole, pretty good. According to a new New York Times/CBS poll, 68% of Americans believe that Obama is a “different” kind of politician.

In that poll, “different”‘ refers to the president’s personal characteristics and style rather than his policies. Being that Obama won on a platform of “change” promised, it is somewhat disappointing that people are more pleased with his personality than his policies. Ultimately, political substance has more of an effect on lives and in determining a president’s legacy than personal style. But only time will tell whether or not there will be more of a match between the two. It would be unfortunate to see President Obama go in the same direction as Tony Blair – a hugely popular leader who made some unforgivable political decisions.

However, the qualities that create a great – and effective – leader are not to be underestimated. Much of what we’ve seen during the first 100 days is a continuation of the engaging and transformational leadership that Obama presented during the campaign.

The savvy, strategic and analytical nature that allowed him to blindside his opponents during the campaign is still present. His well-considered and thoughtful manner is welcome in times when rushed and embarrassing soundbites make up so much of our media coverage, and when his critics would be more than happy to see him make gaffes.
So far those who have tried to find embarrassing quotes from the president have only really been able to pinpoint an off-hand joke he made about the Special Olympics.

Where the president has made mistakes, he has been quick to admit them and apologise – as he did after Tom Daschle withdrew his nomination for secretary of health and human services due to his substantial tax problems. That’s a refreshing change from America’s previous president.

While many assumed that Obama would spend the first few months learning the ropes, he has instead consistently pushed on his agenda – particularly on the economic stimulus package – in a strong, forthright and decisive style. He has also continued to speak directly to, and involve, the public through press conferences, his Youtube weekly addresses and regular email blasts from his team. This openness continues to create the sense that the president is still genuinely interested in the people who elected him, something which could easily have been lost in the hustle and bustle of everyday Washington life.

There’s no doubt that unexpected and unforeseen events, such as a terrorist attack, could dramatically change the President’s tone and actions, as they did in Bush’s case. However, considering that Obama entered into his presidency facing some of the biggest challenges of our generation – the economic crisis being the most pressing – we have already been given some insight into how he copes under pressure. His calm nature has done much to reassure American people, who for the first time since January 2004 are more likely to say that the country is going in the right direction than the wrong one. This positivity is no doubt also aided by the President’s flexible and pragmatic approach – the public may see that this is a president who is adaptable and willing to do whatever works rather than a rigid, partisan ideologue.

But Obama is no softie and he’s not above politicking. He recognizes that politics is a game that is not for the faint of heart and he plays hardball when necessary, particularly when faced with a Republican party intent on to painting him as an ultra-left socialist. To that end, we’ve seen the president calling out influential conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh and engaging with him in a war of words. Politics as usual? Perhaps. Necessary? Yes.

Another political point-scoring attempt was seen in the release of the CIA memos. On the surface, it seemed that this information was for the public’s benefit. But with the president at first excluding prosecution of the Bush officials who justified torture, it has to be asked: what was the real point of releasing the torture memos was if there was no intention of taking further action?

Sticking with Tim Geithner as Treasury secretary, despite objections, has also raised some eyebrows since raising the ethical and moral standards of Washington has been a key aim for President Obama before and after the campaign. Can the president set standards and then not stick to them himself?

There is no doubt, however, that Obama is a powerful and natural politician. Even if he hasn’t been able to encourage bipartisanship in the way that he had wanted to, his style is effective, not just on regular citizens but on other politicians too. Arlen Specter, a Republican senator for 20 years, has just decided to switch parties and become a Democrat. There’s little doubt that Obama’s performance since he took office on 20 January has much to do with that.

It’s so far, so good, for President Obama on style. For the most part, the good outweighs the bad – and that’s ok. As the right would be so keen to remind us, Obama is not the Messiah – so we can forgive him for not being entirely perfect.

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