Sudden demise of fastest-rising star in political firmament – was Chua Soi Lek victim of double betrayal?

When I told Datuk Seri Dr. Chua Soi Lek at the National Christmas Day Open House in Kota Kinabalu last Saturday, informing him that I had to leave early because my sister, Kit Hwa, 82, had passed away in our mutual hometown Batu Pahat, none of us knew that would be our last encounter as political leaders – or that in the next four days, he would be at the vortex of a political maelstrom ending with the demise of the fastest-rising star in the MCA political firmament.

Chua’s announcement of resignation as Health Minister, Labis Member of Parliament, MCA vice president, head of Johore State MCA and Batu Pahat MCA Division 24 hours after admitting that “I’m the man in the sex video” but declaring that he had no intention of quitting his government and party posts has come as no surprise to astute political observers.

This is because after Chua’s Labis statement admitting that he was the man in the sex DVD, he had unleashed political forces in the MCA and Umno which have made it completely untenable for him to retain his government and party posts.

Many questions surround the sudden demise of Chua Soi Lek as the fastest-rising star in recent MCA history, as he appeared to be quite unstoppable until he captures the top prize in the MCA as its President despite many powerful obstacles in his path.

Two immediate questions about the sudden demise of the MCA comet are whether Chua had been the victim of a double betrayal.

The first betrayal was the very orchestrated and professional manner in the surfacing of the video DVD. Who was behind it? All fingers point to his political enemies from within the MCA.

The second betrayal was whether he had been misled into believing that his admission in his Labis statement would suffice, and he could continue to keep his government and party posts, when in fact, his Labis statement would be the basis to force him to relinquish his government and party posts – as has now happened.

These questions would dominate any debate or discussion of the sudden demise of Chua Soi Lek in the annals of Malaysian politics.

  1. #1 by madmix on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 5:34 pm

    This is a most unfortunate turn of events as Dr Chua in my opinion is one of the few ministers in AAB’s cabinet who has performed really well. His admission was political suicide; he should have known better. How can a PM have minister who is also a part time porno star? How can MCA have a leader who is a stud in a steaming video? They would be the laughing stock of the country and the world.

  2. #2 by achia3 on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 5:37 pm

    Betrayal or no betrayal…YB Chua has certainly set a very good example for other MBs. When caught…. he owns up to it rather than go in to a state of denial.

    Although his action is detestable and has caused grieve to his family, his action certainly is commendable and the correct one in seeking out reconciliation with his family first before politics.

    Good on ya mate. God bless your route to recovery and a God Speed one.

  3. #3 by devilmaster on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 5:41 pm

    Let this be a lesson to all politicians, do not be naughty in the age of technology. Once caught, your political career is hanging in the balance.

  4. #4 by k1980 on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 5:49 pm

    The tape was made during the Team A vs Team B battle for control of the MCA a couple or so years ago. So it seems the battle has restarted now

  5. #5 by Anba on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 5:50 pm

    Dear Malaysian,
    Datuk Seri Dr. Chua Soi Lek’s DVD sexual activities should be a warning to all other Malaysian politicians to look ‘shape up’ or they will be ‘shipped out’ in the coming election. I don’t want to be a moralist to say that what he did was right or wrong. But one thing is clear, since he is an elected goverment servant and MCA’s # 2 man, perhaps we should expect him to have some dignity in doing what he did. Being a family man, although his wife had forgiven him, but what is the greater message we can learn from this incident?

    Labis MCA division chaiman Tan Kok Hong mentioned in Star, “Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek was stabbed from behind by certain parties who want to destroy the leader politically”
    He urged MCA to act against those involved in the production and distribution of the DVDs.
    Tan said the division would support Dr Chua, who is also Health Minister and MCA vice-president, to contest for the Labis parliamentary seat in the next general election despite the DVD issue.

    Something is terribly wrong in this country. Yes, he may have been stabbed from behind, but the sexual activity that took place was a disgrace since he is a family man. Instead of urging MCA to investigate who was involved in the production of the DVD, should we not congratulate and praise the person who did this favor to help us eliminate such a disgrace from the public scene.
    Worse still, Tan Kok Hong wants the disgraced family man to contest for the next general election. Hey Tan Kok Hong, are you also constantly visiting your ‘personal friend’ that you’re so upset about the findings from the DVD.

    Who ever did the video taping, please continue to do so in the name of exposing such leaders from power. If these leaders can be so ‘cheap’ to indulge in such activities, would they not exhibit such ‘cheap’ behaviors while serving in their respective constituency. My question to Tan Kok Hong : If you have children of your own, how would you explain this situation to them? How would you defend what you said in the press ( defending the culprit). Would you say that no matter how immoral a person is, he can still continue to be respected by the community?

    To the people of Labis, please weed out such ‘cheap’ leaders without second thought. MCA got caught, would next be UMNO and MIC leaders? Those ‘play boys’ among the politicians, let this be a good reminder for all of you. Becareful!

    May God bless Malaysia.

  6. #6 by carloz28 on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 5:54 pm

    At least, he got the balls to admit his wrongdoings…unlike some ministers…

  7. #7 by PhantomKid on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 5:57 pm

    Ok, I don’t think I should involve in Political stuffs since I’m underage, but, I cannot take it anymore, I’ve been reading for some time. =D

    Dr Chua is a nice man though, I also agree with whoever who says that Dr Chua is back stabbed. I would understand if he is desperate or something but, this woman could have gave him some … You should know~ seducing.

    God bless you Dr Chua. You are a good man. You can go through this without any troubles.

  8. #8 by justice_fighter on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 6:02 pm

    I really hope that the one get caught on this scandal is Chan Kong Choy! Chan Kong Choy really is the most disgraceful MCA minister for wasting RM 5 Billion of tax payers’ money.

    Today, Chan Kong Choy is still the minister-on-the-run, he should really learn from Dr.Chua to admit the mistake, apologise to the nation, and resign and disappear from Malaysian politics forever!! Anyone agree with me?

    I think Chan Kong Choy is now very thankful to Dr.Chua for his sex scadal has switchd the attention of people from his Port Klang Free Zone Scandal!!

    Take a look at the website of the Ministry of Transport Malaysia (, the slogan is “it is our vision to provide an integrated, efficient, cost-effective, technologically-advanced as well as safe transport system which will act as a catalyst to facilitate trade, promote socio-economic development, enhance multimodalism and assist Malaysia in achieving its vision to be an industrialized nation by the year 2020.”

    Then look at how sorry is the state of public transport system in the Klang Valley which causes hundred of thousands of communters to suffer everyday!! Don’t you feel the shame Chan Kong Choy??!!

  9. #9 by Jeffrey on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 6:13 pm

    A country is also adjudged by the type of scandals that it is provoked to take action.

    Here a sex scandal, and a minister, no matter how otherwise competent, has to immediately resign. We’re prepared to punish the victim of entrapment even if it implies rewarding the perpetrator in achieving his object, no matter how dastardly and below the belt his methods.

    When it comes to the PKFZ scandal depleting RM4.6 billion of the public funds, no minister is asked to go even if he came out with a lame excuse that he didn’t know he exceeded his ministerial authority in issuing letters of support in the form of financial guarantees to the market.

    This is how we prioritize standards expected of public officials. And we’re not laughing stock of the world????

  10. #10 by iweepformalaysia on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 6:25 pm

    Jeffrey, sex scandal is somewhat devastating in the Eastern culture if not the world. Even Bill Gates once suffered from that before.

    I think Dr Chua has been double-crossed, obviously. Let’s take this as a lesson and rest well. He’s not a young man after all.

  11. #11 by disapointed86 on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 6:37 pm

    Chua Soi Lek got betrayed or not is not a question here..1 thing we must bear in mind is as a politician leader, its a disgrace for him to be caught having affair with so called “personal friend” of doubt its not a new scandal over the years..1 thing in common in all the sex scandal, it marks the end of the politic involvement of the person..i was surprised that Chua Soi Lek said that he is not resigning from any politic post..he got no pride is it?but thank goodness today he clears up the mess..”Only” 1 thing i admire him is that he dares to admit it unlike some people who only know to give excuses…anyway good luck to him in his future well-being..

  12. #12 by Godfather on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 6:41 pm

    Why should Chan Kong Choy quit over the PKFTZ scandal ? He is but a small cog in a much bigger web of conspiracy that involved Selangor UMNO, the UMNO Treasurer and Ling Liong Sik. Nobody can make a thief resign if he has the other thieves by the b@lls. That’s why the Federal government proceeded with the bailout with zero accountability.

    Chua’s indiscretion was personal, and he alone had to make the decision to quit. Why should we care about conspiracy theories regarding his quitting ? There are far more pressing issues out there which the government is attempting to sweep under the carpet – and I suggest that we do not get distracted by a personal matter when issues like judiciary reform and police reform should always be our top priorities.

  13. #13 by BNseedell on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 6:43 pm

    Datuk Seri Dr. Chua Soi Lek, you are a real MAN. You dared to have sex with your personal girl friend and also dared to step now when you were caught with your pants down by hidden pinhole camera. While enjoying the sex games with your personal girl friend did you ever think of the risk and consequences? I don’t think you have taken that into consideration because the “private” or “underground” sex games are usually very exciting, especially for a married man who is also a doctor by profession. The personal friend of yours must be more sexy than your spouse or else you would not dare to take that temptation

    Anyway, I salute you as a brave man who dares to step now from various posts. You are at least better than those who have made the BN government to shame and still hanging on to power. May God bless you in all your future endeavours that are clean and good in nature.

    Last but not least, remember to check the interior of the room after you have check-in to any hotel in the future. There are too many “private eyes” everywhere nowadays!

  14. #14 by hotsync on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 6:50 pm

    Its the right thing to do otherwise he will be the laughing stock for BN/MCA/World/Malaysia. At 61, a public figure, a husband, family man, grandfather is time he ponders about his life, whatever is left of him.

    All the best!

  15. #15 by dawsheng on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 6:54 pm

    My deepest condolences.

  16. #16 by dawsheng on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 7:02 pm

    “The first betrayal was the very orchestrated and professional manner in the surfacing of the video DVD. Who was behind it? All fingers point to his political enemies from within the MCA.”

    The first place to start to look for “who” is the crime scene. If it was a house, whose house was it? If it was in a hotel room, who own the hotel? But the best person to ask is Chua’s personal friend, and the second best person to ask is Chua himself. Or we let time tell us who the person really is, who will replace Chua after he is gone?

  17. #17 by dawsheng on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 7:15 pm

    “The second betrayal was whether he had been misled into believing that his admission in his Labis statement would suffice, and he could continue to keep his government and party posts, when in fact, his Labis statement would be the basis to force him to relinquish his government and party posts – as has now happened.”

    My opinion is Chua has not been misled into his admission but he had been urged by people closest to him to do so, the nightmares will come to an end, sooner! If he continue to deny, even lies will become truths. The DVD clearly shows him in action. As his pledge to keep the government and party post, that’s a gamble but too bad, nobody is taking the bet!

  18. #18 by ahoo on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 7:24 pm

    For his confession publicly, he is a gentleman on that !
    Let’s not be jugemental as to err is human. Morally as a
    public servant, his conduct cannot be acceptable as he
    represents the country in health issue and need to be of
    good behavior for the young children’s sake.

    I fully agree with ” Godfather ” saying above that the key
    issue to the PKFTZ scandal is way beyond CKC’s power.
    Many unseen hands are involved and note the timing of the
    project too. Who was at the helm then ? Who was the MB
    as well ?

    Let’s not loose focus in getting as many friends and relatives
    too vote against bn for all the excesses and wastages todate.

  19. #19 by mata_kucing on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 7:27 pm

    The question one should ask is who are the slimeballs behind the video tapping. If it is created by a power struggle within the MCA, which I agree with Uncle Kit is the most likely scenario, imagine the kind of people who want to run the government, not that it is anything new. The whole BN bunch are slimeballs anyway. Chua political rise was too fast and too smooth. The old dogs in the party could not accept it. Having said that, Chua only has himself to blame for being so careless. His enemies must have known his routine too well. He should’ve check the background of his girlfriend too. To get to bottom of who’s behind his downfall, he should sue the hotel for a start.

  20. #20 by sani on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 7:27 pm


    I am sorry to hear about your sister’s passing. I am sure she had a full life + may she rest in peace.

    The motive of the “back stabbing” might be political in motve, but the “crime of passion” is still a crime, politically. He need to go, cause he is a politician isn’t he?

    There are some of us who said that he is a good minister, but i disagree. Try going to see the service our cronically ill patients get in our goverment hospitals + compare that to our iconic KLIA, Twin Towers, Mosques, Putra Jaya + you might think we are in 2 different countries.

    If by admitting it + expect to continue to ride hide, that’s not “having balls”. Should he admit guilt + resign in the same press conference, only then he is a real Gentleman. Guarantee, you won’t find any in BN.

    A thief who plead guilty, is still a thief.

  21. #21 by grace on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 7:29 pm

    Whatever mistake Chua had made, he still has a good point: He owned up that he was the man on the recording (2) He placed national interest above self and resign honorably. My hats off to you Dr Chua.

    Taking the cue from here, the lawyer in question in the recent so called Lingam Tape and the suspected judge on the other end of the conversation should come forth and admit their wrong doing.
    This would save the nation plenty of money and time. Be a gentleman like Chua.

  22. #22 by scooter on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 7:41 pm

    will the personal friend get pregnant?

  23. #23 by blahblah on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 7:50 pm

    Such a disgrace to all the Doctor, Chinese communities, the MCA and Malaysia. Strip of his datukship and his doctor license.

  24. #24 by borrring on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 7:52 pm

    At least he owned up…..

    May the wife & children will be able through this

  25. #25 by Libra2 on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 7:53 pm

    Who did it? Who would have benefited from his resignation?
    Of course, any dumb fool will tell you that it is an “inside job”.
    Chua was eying the party’s top post and it would be in the best interest of those who are threatened by his rise to kill his political ambitions.
    The best indicator is the report in The Star. Why the hell should the MCA paper report about this sex video being circulated in Johor? And why give all those juicy details? Was the paper acting on instructions from its political bosses?
    The paper could have buried this piece of news, as it did to the BERSIH rally, in the inside pages. Or it could have completely blacked out this story.
    The Star had always spiked stories that would place MCA and its leaders in bad light. Each time there is a spit in the party The Star inevitably would play up the Presidents men and downplay Team B.
    MCA was, and will never be, a party to represent the Chinese Malaysian community. The leaders will kill one another to cling on to power and amass wealth before they migrate to Australia after their retirement from politics.
    Even today those who emigrated to Australia have the numbers to form a” MCA alumni” in Australia.

  26. #26 by Demon on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 7:59 pm

    Chua,you reap what you sow.Your shame,sleepless nights,etc are all due to your foolish actions.Don’t blame your enemies but yourself.
    Hopefully,your decision to resign from all positions will set a precedent for future politicians.

  27. #27 by aiD_kamikuP on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 8:09 pm

    For some light-hearted take on all this

  28. #28 by sonet on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 8:12 pm

    Dear All,
    We need to give him and his family some breathing space. A very least he comes forward and admit he is the man in DVD, unlike other politician whether in the ruling party or opposition party might not have the gut to admit their wrongdoing. Whoever recorded the video is clearly a violation of personal space and privacy; more so reproducing and circulating to tarnish the entire family of Dr. Chua. The debate will goes on but let reserve our own personal judgement.

    Compared this case to the most famous VK Lingam case and you can make the judgement yourself.

  29. #29 by negarawan on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 8:31 pm

    I am thoroughly disgusted by the government-controlled media coverage of Chua’s resignation. Instead of looking for opportunities for improvement, UMNO and MCA are now twisting the situation and making Chua sound like a victim. So when a BN minister commits a crime and openly admits to it, the whistleblower is now condemn and hunted down by the corrupted UMNO-led government. Likewise, when the Indians take to the streets peacefully to highlight serious community problems, and when the rakyat take to the streets peacefully to highlight electoral fraud and irregularity because the government refuse to listen, they are shot at with poisonous chemicals and tear gas, persecuted, and jailed without trial under ISA. This is a corrupted Nazi-like and Apartheid government which needs to be removed by all means and urgently for the sake of the future of Malaysia. Let’s work together regardless of race and religion to bring back the glory of our beloved country Malaysia. We urge the international community especially the US and EU to put pressure on the corrupted UMNO-led government and to impose sanctions on its corrupted and criminal “leaders”

  30. #30 by izrafeil on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 8:35 pm

    My salute to Chua who has the gut to own up to his deeds!
    I am waiting for the same from our leaders in BN!

  31. #31 by vincent on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 8:36 pm

    You should have yourself fully medical check up after resigned.

  32. #32 by Loyal Malaysian on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 8:39 pm

    Dr Chua is right, I’ll be the last to claim myself to be saintly but the undeniable fact is that he ‘was’ a Minister and the woman in question is not his wife. By and large the society at large still subscribe to eastern values and morality, though what one does in private is another matter. Whether it is a double betrayal or not, he did the right thing by resigning all posts, even if it is a day late.

  33. #33 by ALtPJK on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 8:43 pm

    Isn’t this alleged betrayal from political enemies within, just another of an ill-repute legacy from TDM who during his heyday was the maestro of the ‘having a black dossier against you’ practice?

    It may be that MCA has lost one ‘good’ man but certainly no loss or gain in whatever cause it is fighting for. Manifested in its silence on issues facing the community it claims to represent and in its complicity in misgovernance scandals, there is really nothing it can rightfully claim that it has fought for in the last 3 decades.

  34. #34 by undergrad2 on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 8:57 pm

    I don’t understand all the controversy.

    A Cabinet Minister has images of him in the middle of a sex act, caught on video and is circulating in the black market, be it with his own wife or with a ‘close friend of the family’ or with a prostitute should resign immediately.

    How could he keep a straight face and carry on his work as Minister as if nothing had happened? If I were him I would want to resign immediately to spare the family from more distress and shame.

    None of the issues that has been brought up here i.e. entrapment, holier-than-thou attitude of fellow Ministers and politicians etc is relevant.

    He is elected MP and should not vacate his seat as MP and should he stand for elections again his constituents would have to decide if they want him back. But he is also appointed by the PM as his Minister and should resign voluntarily from this post because he would not be able to carry out his duties as expected and to the best of his ability.

    It has nothing to do with morals, or bad judgment or just being a mere mortal who succumbed to temptations whilst still married to his estranged wife who has forgiven him – or that the woman involved was going to be his wife once the marriage to his present wife was dissolved. The party which he heads would want him to resign voluntarily to spare the party from the embarrassment that comes with seeing their leader with his pants down.

    Let this be a lesson to politicians especially those holding public office that the ‘wrong’ is not in letting your pants drop to your ankles but in being caught with your pants at your ankles.

  35. #35 by year of snake on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 9:02 pm

    I hope that the person or persons who took these videos are caught and exposed to the public who they are. To me they are bastards.

  36. #36 by undergrad2 on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 9:07 pm

    Scooter asks, “Will the personal friend get pregnant?”

    This reminds of me of a school friend and a classmate who thought that by ‘going to bed’ with a boy could get her pregnant. Her idea of having sex comes from reading too many Agatha Christie novels. Incidentally she scored all A’s in her O levels.

    Chua is a big boy and he should know better.

  37. #37 by bennylohstocks on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 9:09 pm

  38. #38 by aiD_kamikuP on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 9:23 pm


    Correct age, but I suppose 8 more years would make the position complete!!

  39. #39 by lung on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 9:29 pm

    Wait a minute!!

    Have we got so used to “terribly bad” characters in govt that when a merely “bad” Chua Soi Lek owns up to a “bad” deed, he starts to get good comments?

    Cmon, he apologised but he doesn’t seem sorry to me.

    Quoted “He expressed disappointment that the public has adopted a holier-than-thou attitude on the issue and noted sarcastically that “maknanya semuanya golongan ulamak” (it must mean they are all very pious). ”

    Pleeease, the videos were so damning that he had no other choice.

    He ain’t a good man. A good man will stand by her woman & never have done a morally corrupt thing. Next thing he’ll say, the woman made the move on him.

    Sure, blame the woman.

  40. #40 by boh-liao on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 9:30 pm

    Batu Pahat is the site of hot news in the last week.

    CSL – What to do when you are holding the title of one of the Vice-Presidents (‘Presidents of Vice’) of MCA? What to do when you feel that you are a powerful guy in the bolehland and you feel that you can control everything? After all, as you rightly said, you are not the only one faithful to Nike’s slogan: ‘Just Do It’ – you are not the first, nor the last, powerful politician to be caught on film with pants off.

    When the blood rushed out of your brain to your groin, you forgot your advice to others: Do not check into the same hotel and into the same room when you regularly ‘Just Do It’. How considerate you are at this moment of truth to advise others, especially people whose new year’s resolution is ‘May our wives and girlfriends never meet’. Ha, ha, yes, they will not meet physically – but at this nano-telecommunication and digital age, wives and girlfriends will eventually meet, together with the public, in the virtual world.

    According to a report in a Chinese paper, CSL’s personal friend brought a PC and some sexy (pornographic?) VCDs to the room for CSL to select and view. Were the VCDs OKed by the proper authority? Were they pirated VCDs? Did the Minister do the right thing?

    So far, we have MIC and MCA ministers involved in publicized sex videos. Will we see more similar videos involving UMNO ministers?

  41. #41 by justice_fighter on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 9:32 pm

    anyway, just wonder will there be a by-election for his MP post?

  42. #42 by llb_gan on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 9:33 pm

    What the former Minister of Health did could not have been right. Not so much because he had succumbed to the ‘stirrings in his loins’ but because he had betrayed the trust which his wife and family must have placed in him, and also the genuine expectations of the Malaysian public that he would not have lived his life the way he did when he was in office.

    Indeed, it is a great pity that this has had to happen to a Minister who did make some substantive changes that seemed to have made a difference to the health and general well-being of Malaysians.

    I recall how he had openly stated on TV that the young “negarakuku” singer ‘should not be judged too harshly’. And later, that the ISA ‘should only be used as a last resort’ in dealing with the Hindraf leaders.

    I will remember Chua Soi Lek in the same light as how I have always regarded Chinese leaders such as Neo Yee Pan, Lee Kim Sai and Chua Jui Meng. The good always die young, politically – if at all that is any consolation to him.

  43. #43 by bystander on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 9:36 pm

    Fully concur with demon. What a stupid old man. Nobody forced him. It was his own wrongdoings. He is fully aware of all the risks. What a loser.

  44. #44 by ktteokt on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 9:37 pm

    Let Dr. Chua’s political rest in peace. May he enjoy life in his golden years as a free common peasant in his hometown, away from all harrassment, political or otherwise! Just like the Chinese saying, “Without any official positions, one can feel free!”

  45. #45 by devilmaster on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 9:37 pm

    Look what Chua Soi Lek says :-

    He said his mistake was going to the same hotel. Indirectly, this guy actually had no remorse on his extra-marital affair(s). The apology he tendered yesterday was to gain sympathy; bcos he knows he has nowhere to escape – hence an apology to salvage his battered image.

  46. #46 by devilmaster on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 9:39 pm

    # justice_fighter Says:
    Today at 21: 32.12 (5 minutes ago)

    anyway, just wonder will there be a by-election for his MP post?

    There wont be a by-election bcos it is less than 2 years from the next GE.

  47. #47 by bystander on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 9:43 pm

    If his mistake was going to the same hotel, then it also implies that he is not repenting and that he has been doing in many other hotels before being caught. What a stupid old man.

  48. #48 by alaneth on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 9:51 pm

    Compared to other political scandals involving BN members, ministers, ADUNs, MPs etc, you are brave to admit. It takes a brave, strong-willed, righteous and a man of honour to stand-up and admit. It is only unfortunate in this Islamic country that morality takes a high stand in politics.

    For once you have fallen low. Let us see in the future how high you can rise.

    Datuk Seri Dr. Chua, I salute you.

  49. #49 by Man_of_Honour on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 9:56 pm

    There are different views from the general public apparently. Some say Dr. Chua is brave enough to own up whilst some simply slam him on the face.

    Well, IMHO, nobody in this world is perfect. Hence one could end up being successful in one area, yet fail badly in another.

    In this instance, I’d say Dr. Chua had done very well on his role as the MP and Health Minister. And that’s excactly what his work requires him to do. A pat on his shoulder.

    On the other hand, in term of his private life, we are in NO position to say. Well, that is his personal privacy right. Thus, I do not want to judge him on that.

    In other words, even if you are the erfect person out there, this doesn’t mean you have the right to judge another person by their mistakes. I’m pretty sure you do not like people pointing fingers at whatever you do in the bed room or elsewhere after office hours?

    No offence. But this is really a disaster for Malaysian politics. Why? Because the “conspirator” had found our weakness, that is to “judge a book by its cover”.

  50. #50 by penangboy on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 9:56 pm

    I believe what Datuk Seri did was noble and commendable. I still believe what he did was his own business but he should have known that holding public office means one has to toe the line and live a life like an open book. For him, going back to the same hotel and same room led to possible “intrusion” due to his personality level. I share his grief and pain vested on his family members. Like what he said, he would like to be a reporter. Reporting what is true and I think he has finally come to terms with that. Unlike some MPs or SAs who continue to flaunt their wealth; make sexist remarks as well as make idiotic remarks about relligious schools that they have no blinking understanding at all. I salute DAP for keeping the issue at bay. No point slamming him or the MCA. Let the results speak for itself. Unlike others in the MCA, Datuk Seri is a good man…just that his personal life crossed into his political limelight. Lets this be a WAKE UP CALL FOR ALL POLITICIANS that the new culture will eat you up if you are not careful – the culture of “youtube, instant recording and wireless communication”

  51. #51 by justice_fighter on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 9:58 pm

    Dear devilmaster, thanks for your reply, I am still a young boy starting to learn more about politics :)

  52. #52 by oknyua on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 10:10 pm

    I won’t be so harsh to call him ‘stupid old man.’ I just pray I won’t be like him when I am 61. Things happen and I could only say he should have known better.

  53. #53 by 1eyecls on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 10:19 pm

    MIC was finished,now MCA is terminated,Gerakan better quit,letting some mosquito parties,so now,BN is almost ONEMAN show,i.e.UMNO is alone now!

    As i said even before CHUA SOI LEK’s sex video scandal,BA has more chance to win 2/3 now!!!!

    Bravo Bersih!Bravo Hindraf!Bravo Soi Lek!Bravo Rakyat!

  54. #54 by achia3 on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 10:19 pm

    Well said Men_of_Honor….Malaysian’s have always been judging the book by its cover. When its a Datuk…Kow Tow… when its a peasant…spit at his face.

    shame on you Malaysians…shame on you….unless you stop voting with your eyes and start voting with your heart and brain.

  55. #55 by DarkHorse on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 10:28 pm

    Do you guys think this VCD of him will go away so long as he remains Minister? It will not go away now that he has stepped down as Minister. It will not go away certainly if he were to stand again in his constituency.

    It would have been a serious distraction for the Abdullah administration and to MCA. It remains a distraction even now that the man has resigned.

    Political adversaries will not let the matter rest.

    Chua is a big boy and must have known that his sexual indiscretions exact a high price. But then I could be wrong. He did try to hang on to his ministerial post, didn’t he?

  56. #56 by shaolin on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 10:42 pm

    Dr. Chua Soi Lek is a good gentleman however he has
    too many enemies trying to ‘gun’ him down by DVDs…!

    It does not pay to be naughty.

    He owns himself up, not like UMNOputra Senior Minister
    with Altantuuya’s case…someone else must be scapegoat
    for him…!!

  57. #57 by mendela on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 10:43 pm

    Now CSL has set a pretty high standard for all BN bastards.

    Let’s upload all earlier taped DVDs or photos of all UMO leaders’ past sex scandals and put them on youtube to force them to do the very honorable thing — to quit!

  58. #58 by shaolin on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 10:46 pm


    “…someone else must be his scapegoat…”!!

  59. #59 by waterfrontcoolie on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 10:56 pm

    dear me,Dr. there is a solution, change your belief and then marry your ‘close friend’. problem solved. no issue.

  60. #60 by cherasusie on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 10:57 pm

    i don’t care whether he used condom or whether he deserved what he did…..

    i really worry for malaysia, my country. you think malaysia is ok?

    i worry whether all malaysian get same treatment or punishment when same thing happens….

    is he the first minister to do this? is he the only malaysian doing this? did you do it? only him?

    i want him out with true feeling of guilt and remorse; not indignation… he?

    the only thing that can drive malaysia out of

  61. #61 by cheng on soo on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 11:09 pm

    At least, CSL is brave to admit n resign (though a little late) unlike other poli-tikus leaders who deny n get police to go after whistle blower. Anyway this is only a very small matter as compare with wastage of nation tax money in terms of billions ringgit in many other cases. PKFZ, polis rent helicopter, patrol boats purchase, Ipoh-P.Besar double track, etc.
    Many others may hv done same thing as CSL, only that theirs are not disclosed or swept under caret.

  62. #62 by sheriff singh on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 11:10 pm

    Life is so fragile. You are here today and then gone tomorrow. Things are soooooo fluid.

    Thats why we must live for the day.

    My condolences for your sis’ demise.

    As for Chua, I pity him. OK so he did some wrong. But think. There are do-no-gooders out there out to do him in. End his political career. Abruptly. Why now?

    We must find out WHO these scum of the earth are. They are despicable. I smell entrapment, where the scums were well prepared and waiting. Lets find out who they are before they strike again.

  63. #63 by raven77 on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 11:16 pm

    Good riddance to this sorry excuse for a Health Minister. Have absolutely no sympathy and whoever did this to him did Malaysians and doctors a favour. He went around promulgating ethics when he himself was screwing to glory. Yes…Chua was ambitious at the expence of patients and the medical profession as a whole….His exit is certainly a big welcome to the medical community…..only one piece of advice DONT COME BACK

  64. #64 by U32 on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 11:20 pm

    After yesterday, we should all be more composed today. If we never knew, then yesterday and today would be like any other days. Dato Dr Chua knew about this two years ago and for two years, we have been led to believe that he was doing alright except when there was a point few months back when he looked so sad and he looked like he lost a lot of weight.

    When the Johoreans came to meet him, one of them shouted that this was the work of the opposition. But Dato Ong Kah Ting refuted that saying it is due to the internal conflicts in the MCA.

    Dato Dr Chua seemed to have underestimated the ordinary Malaysians. He said that it is because we cannot take it, that is why he has to resign. I don’t think Malaysians have such simple minds. Many Malaysians know what it means to have a good leadership and a good government. The rationale is very simple. If a leader places importance on his or her own desires, it means the people and the country is not as important and this shows that he is not a good leader. A good leader is not just about the looks and the way he carries himself or how many qualifications, awards and recommendations he has. A good leader always think about his people and his country.

    Dato Dr Chua probably was confident of himself and his positions. May be he was thinking that if nothing happens to others, nothing will happen to him as well. He forgot that before he came into the scene, nobody outside MCA know much or anything about him. He should have been cautious with every step he took and with every person he came in contact with.

    Who else is next to be put to shame ?

  65. #65 by pulau_sibu on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 11:22 pm

    This reminded us of the Sodomy plotting of Anwar. Yes, anything dirty can emerge from within Barisan Nasional. Of course the political enemies plotted that, the enemies from within MCA. They are now celebrating it some where. They succeeded.

    I thought this was the way UMNO did to its people, but MCA also liked it? Our political culture is kind of dirty. Poison letters always surfaced during election. I don’t think the police ever caught any of those who masterminded the games.

    Of course, Anwar’s case was kind of strange where known persons published books to plot him down, but there must be some ones behind the scene who never shown up as ‘authors’ and I doubt we would ever know about the real him/her.

    If the police were not able to trace and arrest (and punish by the juristical system) the gangs who plotted down against Chua, our trust in our police, and not just the police but also the political system, would be zero.

  66. #66 by cheng on soo on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 11:26 pm

    In very open western societies, CSL may be able to retain his post, but this is Msia. If we are very open minded, it is actually a personal thing, but Msia Islam Hadhari (hari hari ada had) surely cannot take this.

  67. #67 by harrisonbinhansome on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 11:31 pm

    Possibilities of Dr. Chua Soi Lek joining the DAP to exact vengance on his political enemies—-remote possibilities.

    Politics rivalry equals business. Betrayal, backstabing, cheating, whiite-collar, even murderer.

    One man’s meat is another’s poison so says an old adage.

  68. #68 by mendela on Wednesday, 2 January 2008 - 11:36 pm

    If the DVD was taken 2 years plus ago as reported, I am kind of sure it probably could be used to black mail CSL many times earlier!

    The reason that the DVD at last surfaced could mean CSL might not able to meet the demands of the black mailers of late anymore.

    I guess there are many questions that CSL needs to answer to the public. Did he jeopardize nation security when held ransom? How much ransom money he could have paid to the gang? Why the gang finally decided to disclose the DVD? Is she really a personal friend or Ms. Angela Yam?

    CSL owes Malaysia many unanswered questions!

  69. #69 by hiro on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 12:05 am

    I have to admit being ambivalent about whether CSL is a gentleman. I suppose he could have been wrongly advised to come out clean in order to safe his political fortunes. Unfortunately, events took quite a different turn.

    I am also disturbed that the DVD, as appears to be reported, is 2-years old. It would probably explain why his wife was quick to make a press statement to stand by him, but at the same time raises the question as to whether his office as a political leader and minister have in anyway been compromised by blackmail.

    More disturbing would be hereto unknown depth of conspiracy to bring him down. Although it is almost certain that CSL in his fast climb upwards in MCA would probably have crossed a number of influential people, it could also been what he did as a minister that could have crossed other vested interest… and could well involve personalities from outside MCA but within BN.

    It is actually quite ironic that no one actually suspects the opposition to be able to pull this off in the first place, which goes to reinforce the reality that for a behemoth that BN is, BN can only fall from within from perhaps internecine war, of which CSL episode is but a symptom. Such is the perverse state of democracy in this country.

  70. #70 by assamlaksa on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 12:21 am

    Do you think CSL has any other choice beside admitting that he is the one in the video? I had not seen it but based on news report the videos clearly identify the person, they is no escape.

    Do you think CSL willingly resign from all the posts? If he had the intention to resign, he would have announced it during the Labis statement, but he did not. Instead he was reported to say “he had no intention of quitting his government and party posts”.

  71. #71 by twistedmind on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 12:38 am

    To the idiot Chua (who tried to be sarcastic at his exit press conference) – let me tell you this!

    1. You chose to be a public figure! We didn’t. We like our private life. When you get slaughtered, face it like a man! Don’t blame us for it! You chose that public life, you didn’t live up to it.

    2. You let your other head rule your judgment, deal with it – don’t point the finger at us. There are many of us who lead a decent God-fearing life, who stay away from politics and politicians – don’t you dare throw that ‘holier then thou’ statement at us. Not all of us go banging a 30-40 years younger girl at the age of 61!

    Come on! Give us a break!
    Good riddance !

  72. #72 by dawsheng on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 12:53 am

    Can Chua sue the hotel?

  73. #73 by kwkean on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 1:29 am

    Agreed with what twistedmind said. It was actually a ‘wayang kulit’ show perform by he himself as he is stupid enough to think we will fall for it. And YES, ALOT did fall for it! Look at all the comments on this topic and you can see how simple minded Malaysian are! “CSL is brave, CSL is a man, CSL deserve a credit and blah blah blah…” Wake up my fellow MALAYSIAN!!! All this was just a ‘wayang kulit’ show to trick you and your vote!

    I wonder how many ‘KESIAN’ votes will MCA Team B get from this show alone. This is why Malaysian can never vote UMNO/BN out because our people is so ‘DING DONG’ enough to fall for such a simple trick! Here comes BN counter attack and stay tune for more of their ‘wayang kulit’ show. Opposition parties should be alert as IGP might point finger to you as the mastermind behind this scandal and ISA will be their weapon to stop you from participating in the coming election.

  74. #74 by DarkHorse on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 1:52 am

    “Can Chua sue the hotel?” dawsheng

    Interesting. If you were Chua would you do that? And for what? More dirt is likely to come out. He could have been taking more than just one SYT. These SYTs will appear as witnesses and more MCA big guns may be involved in trysts! Titillating thoughts. Imagine yet another twist to Watergate’s “Deep Throat”.

    This calls for some investigative journalism.

  75. #75 by Count Dracula on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 2:01 am

    “If the police were not able to trace and arrest …. the gangs who plotted down against Chua, our trust in our police….” pulau_sibu

    For what?? Making home movies without a license?

  76. #76 by scorpian6666 on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 2:04 am

    ohh ! caught between the balls
    In Japan, he probably shoot himself in the ………..
    In Malaysia, smile, you are on candid camera.. and quit

    Should have “do it” in …was it Australia ? where his … went last year?

    If he had been smart enough, he would have get his wife approval and just get legally married, throw a party like his ……. ,

    Just another LOVE STORY, Malaysian Version and don’t have to quit

    maybe he’s offered MILLIONS in the bank to call it QUIT for his position (window of opportunity)

    Who knows, his personal friend is also his ………. personal friend ! Anybody knows if he forgot to use safe sex on that DVD ???

  77. #78 by Traveller on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 2:42 am

    This is really a great concern for personal security and privacy in Malaysia.
    Who can be so powerful with the logistical resources to video-tape the act and to distribute the DVDs?
    However, I still salute Chua for his dignity to quit altogether considering that corruption in all forms, morality, money, power, influence, degrees..etc, is so endemic in Malaysia that it has become entwined in the culture of the country.
    I would think that sex between consensual adults would be the last reason to cause a downfall. This is not rape or pedophilia. How about those stealing from the country’s coffers, or peddling political and judical influence in return for money, or clinging to power in spite of gross incompetence, or turning a blind eye to organised crimes? Those affect the lifes of common Malaysians more because they deprive others of their proper share of the country’s wealth and progress, or deprive the citizens’ rights of their rights to judicial fairness and personal security. Shouldn’t these be the ones to go?
    I think everybody steals from the cookie-jar; the only difference is whether you are caught or not.
    The holier-than-thou attitude of the PM and his gang made me want to puke. What a hypocrisy.

  78. #79 by Traveller on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 2:47 am

    Sorry for the typo errors in my comments above. Am posting on the fly but you know what I mean.
    “..the citizens’ rights of their rights” should be “..the citizens of their rights..”

  79. #80 by marD on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 3:20 am

    Dr Chua SL has paid the price for his indiscretion. His ministerial position was clearly untenable following his public admission and he has to step down much as I like him personally.

    His enemies are now satisfied with their dastardly act. May they have horrible dreams that they wish nights would not come.

    Dr Chua has indeed done the right thing by resigning, let us close this chapter and move on.

    Somehow my heart is heavy because he was a good Health Minister!

  80. #81 by undergrad2 on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 5:54 am

    “Those affect the lives of common Malaysians more because they deprive others of their proper share of the country’s wealth and progress, or deprive the citizens’ rights of their rights to judicial fairness and personal security. Shouldn’t these be the ones to go?” Traveller

    If a Minister is caught perjuring himself be it on the witness stand, in court or out of court during a deposition, it matters not because his act causes no harm to anybody? It is acceptable even though he has broken the oath of office he took when he became Minister?

    If he is caught shoplifting a bottle opener at Harrods, London while he was accompanying Najib and Rosmah in their Christmas shopping, it matters not because Dodi Fayed’s father could afford to lose a few bottle openers.

    If he is caught on security camera trying on a pair of Victoria Secrets women’s lingerie for his wife and then leaving without paying and then caught by the security guard and made to pay for the items, it matters not because he paid for those items and it was for his wife?

    All these are acts of dishonesty – though less serious to some than cheating one’s spouse.

    It matters not because Ah Chong, Ahmad and Lingam and all your neighbors are also doing the same thing. It is alright for Samy Vellu to swap price tags when shopping for his new toupee because it is all done in the spirit of the New Year.

  81. #82 by Tom Peters on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 7:49 am

    Its the mainstream media that is embarrassing. The blogs are not absolved either. What is clearly a person’s private matter is again engaged in the public domain. Most splashed his story on the front page strutting themselves in the notion that they were bringing us the highlights of the day.

  82. #83 by manamana on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 8:00 am

    i am surprised CSL first media he did not resign as what ever happened is a disgrace . my personal opiniion of CSL first and second media is he is a man too proud of his status, too egostic, and think he did no wrong. very sarcastic. till now he has not repentant. WHAT A SHAME. how could a health ministry be a part time porno star and think he can still get away with it. answer to his question of what he wants to do after resigning is to be a reporter. porno star should be more appropriate since he is now famous for that.

    first media he tried to get viewers sympathy by owing to the dvd contents. second media he become very bold by blaming others for his downfall. no one could create his own downfall if he himself allow it to be done. do not peach about health conscious, safe sex, faithfully partner as a health minister if your own dignity is in questions. resigning is the best option malaysians are expecting.

  83. #84 by Bigjoe on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 8:08 am

    I find the comments on this issue to be full of Westernised platitudes or some sort of traditional fatalist. Commendable for owning up? He is capable but back-stabbed? etc. etc. This is an incredible opportunity to discuss real issues.

    Why is it Dr. Chua could not get way with what he did while Bill Clinton did?

    Firstly, when I heard that he was first not going to quit, I thought he deserved to be fired just for his arrogance and his mediocre intellect. There is no such thing as complete separation of morality and politics. Separation of religion and state does not mean separation of personal morality and politics. AND we don’t separate religion and state power. In a state that claims to be nonsensical non-secular and non-theocratic, its absolute nonsense that personal morality is not part of the fair game. If Dr. Chua don’t get it, he deserved to be fired for his arrogance and ultimately flawed intellect.

    Second, he is right about our society being hypocritical or as he said ‘holier than thou’ attitude, but he deserved to go BECAUSE it is. The issue is who was part of creating that ‘holier than thou’ attitude in the first place. We are a society that whose leaders constantly spouse hypcrisy. Where was Dr. Chua when non-Muslim couples was being arrested for being amorous in public park? Where was Dr. Chua when a single mother was arrested for trying to make a living in a pub? Where was Dr. Chua when Anwar was called gay by Dr. M? If Dr. Chua should be forgiven should not Anwar be given the Prime Ministership and Dr. M arrested?

    But there are larger hypocrisy – calling Hindraf extremist and terrorist and using the ISA on them. Our leaders tell us to pretend to be united when we are not AND are Hindraf is slammed because they tell the truth. Is Pak Lah saying tell him the truth and then have those people arrested NOT a larger hypocrisy than ours?

    And what about legal hypocrisy? Our constitution itself have them. Where is Dr. Chua on the Sabatini case where ALL branches of government including the courts abdicated responsibility? Lets not even get into election laws and political funding.

    Our political leaders is used to spouting one thing and when it becomes inconvenient to say another. One set of principles for them, another set for us. Even in a legally fair system, politicians are already hypocritical by nature but in Malaysia politicians are allowed hypocrisy to include legal and structural ones.

    Yes we are hypocrites but we brought us here. As the bible said, those who live by the sword, die by it. It cuts both way. We should be sad, not so much for Dr. Chua but for ourselves.

  84. #85 by k1980 on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 8:17 am

    Let’s face facts:— If it was a Jap minister instead of CSL who was caught in the DVD, he would had committed hara-kiri instead of blaming an ‘unforgiving’ people

  85. #86 by k1980 on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 8:28 am

    An Inside-Job?
    Chua’s exit has probably headed off any infighting that could have arisen in the future, given expectations that he would mount a challenge for deputy president Datuk Chan Kong Choy’s post.

  86. #87 by Counterpoint on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 8:44 am

    “Unfortunately, from the feedback I received, I observed that Malaysians cannot accept it.”
    “Some Malaysians have a holier-than-thou attitude,”
    These are this politician’s ‘dying’ words.

    Got felled by immense public pressure, but could not resist taking a swipe at the public.

    Hey, we are not the one who’s a health minister promoting good health and healthy lifestyles but got caught with his pants down committing adultery and expecting everybody to be so ‘accepting’ of his sin like his wife.

    The more of these BN ministers get sexposed, the merrier.

  87. #88 by kowtim on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 8:51 am

    Bill Chua had to openly admit it was him otherwise there will be speculation whether the person in the DVD was his boss as both of them are MP’s from Johore. Well the police should be looking for Angie Yam Lewinsky now and I hope the government will appoint Ken Starr Lee to get to the bottom of this fiasco.

  88. #89 by malaysia born on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 8:52 am

    The moment anyone hold any position as a public official is the moment when his/her lifestyle, private thoughts and comments become public property.

    I don’t understand (and will never will) how there are people who make this scandal out to be about someone’s privacy!

    The issue is about a public official integrity, never ever forget about that. …or is that quality not important anymore when we judje our representative? If it’s so, then let’s all shut up any more talk about accountabilty and transperancy.

    The issue is that he cheated on his family and if someone who can do that to his own family, then what is it that is going to stop him from cheating the public (in case we forget, that’s us!).

    Perhaps being sympathetic is part of being malaysian?

  89. #90 by k1980 on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 9:07 am

    Naughty Chua’s wife should wear a T-shirt reading “Mrs Chua SL” in front and on the back reading “and proud of it”
    At the Malaysian national Aids conference a month ago he said: “Abstinence is still the best way. And be faithful to your partner. It also boils down to both partners being responsible. Do not blame anybody”…websites and bulletin boards had already been posted with antiChinese racism, including a video juxtaposing reports of Dr Chua’s adultery with footage of mating pigs.

  90. #91 by undergrad2 on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 9:10 am

    “Yes we are hypocrites but we brought us here. As the bible said, those who live by the sword, die by it. It cuts both way. We should be sad, not so much for Dr. Chua but for ourselves.” Bigjoe

    I’m not sure that this is all that it is about.

    I’m not sure if what Mathew and Roman in the Bible tell us is relevant here either i.e. let those who is without sin cast the first stone. In fact I do not think what happened to Chua has anything to do with morals and hypocrisy.

    Do you really think given the situation he found himself in that he could carry out his ministerial duties to the best of his ability, with due diligence as if nothing has happened?

  91. #92 by undergrad2 on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 9:12 am

    He did take the oath of office, didn’t he??

  92. #93 by Bigjoe on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 9:20 am

    Let me state one thing clearly, while I believe that a polticians personal conduct is fair game for voters to decide whether they want him or not, personally I don’t think its the right thing to do. All of us are flawed personally and if you dig deep enough, you will find that all our political personal lives are less than perfect. If we start just using personal morality as the basis of judging, where do one draw the line? If he treats his children badly do we say he is unfit because he has to rule on matters that relates to children and education, if he smokes, then he should not decide on smoking laws? It will not take very long before we run out of public servants.

    No, there should not be hard and fast rule about personal morality and public office but its for each person to decide if and how much certain conduct matters and clearly in Dr. Chua case, it matters to most Malaysian by most polls and hence their right to decide.

    Again, I believe the issue is larger and not simply a scandalous behaviour and public morality per se. Its fundamentally about one set of principles for ruling politicians and another for the rest of us that they created. There is no complaining of hypocrisy when they don’t protect us against theirs.

  93. #94 by Bigjoe on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 9:23 am

    Or rather when you use hypocrisy to your own advantage first, you don’t get to complain about it later.

  94. #95 by mata_kucing on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 9:23 am

    When he first admitted he being the main actor in the “blue ” film, I was quite sympathetic with his situation. But it looks like his only regret is that he got caught with his pants down, not his indiscretions. Taking pot-shots at the public and acusing people with “holier than thou” attitude etc. is cheap. Come on, you chose to be a leader of the community, paid by the rakyat to look after their affairs.

    You know your public life is under close scrutiny. You are supposed to set a good example for everybody including the younger generation. But like many of your erstwhile colleages, you chose to think with your manhood rather than with your head. What I am interested to know is if all your hotel bills are paid by the rakyat or at your personal account.

    Stop whinning and get on with your life. Dump your girlfriend and restart relationship with your family. It’s still not too late.

    P/s And oh, dump your MCA colleages too. They’re a bunch of gangsters and slimeballs as we’ve been saying all along.

  95. #96 by oknyua on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 9:36 am

    If i know Dr Chua, I would call him for my support. I would say he did right by resigning.

    There is a separation between the two: My support does not imply I condone what he did. As a public figure, he knows he is in public scrutiny, but I am not one to cast the first stone. He is not better or worse than me (or anyone of you for that matter).

    And yet, I believe he did right by resigning. By resigning he diverted the focus from MCA/ government away to himself. His effectiveness as a minister had been dented, but more important, I think, he has to sort out his personal and family life away from public scrutiny.

    Early in my life my Asian value told me not to make fun of a fallen old man (he is 61) because you will get old one day. Do not make fun of your peers; you don’t know what each one would become. You do not make fun of the youths – you were once young, were you any better?

  96. #97 by devilmaster on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 9:37 am

    As what twistedmind & kwkean said earlier, a lot of you guys did fall for such a simple trick. Some of the commentators here even got carried away by just a simple admission. It is sad to note that.

    My point here is – did he really feel repentant? You can read it here and read it with a clear mind(hopefully):-

  97. #98 by ktteokt on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 9:41 am

    This is what the Chinese call “ren pa chu ming, zhu pa fei” – literally meaning “it is bad for a human to be famous and pigs to be fat”. When pigs grow fat, the only destiny for them is to be slaughtered and when humans become famous the same destiny applies. Minister Chua has become the victim of this famous saying.

  98. #99 by People on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 9:42 am

    Let MAN live like an ordinary citizen. He and his family must be having a tough time right now. He is definitely been set up by ppl within. As the MAN himself has said ” healthy political culture embraces no corruption, no moral lapses of judgment. A healthy political culture shld not just be confined to just term of office” . So to those corrupted leaders, its time for you to do same like the MAN himself!! The RAKYAT knows who is corrupted and who is not.

  99. #100 by megaman on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 9:45 am

    Sigh …

    Is a private sex scandal a more heinous crime than outright corruption ?

    Have everyone forgot about the Jasin MP who tried to bribe his way through custom ?

    Have everyone forgot about the Klang “palace” and illegal satay restaurant another MP built ?

    Have everyone forgot about Lingamgate ?

    Have everyone forgot about the Mongolian model ?

    Have everyone forgot about the Port Klang Free Zone scandals ?

    Aren’t these more heinous and despicable compared to Chua’s sex scandal ?

    And if so, why have everyone forgotten about them ? Is it because sex sells ?

    And if nobody have forgotten, why haven’t there been any progress ?

    I am very disappointed. Malaysians are nothing but a bunch of ignorant squabbling fools.

  100. #101 by pulau_sibu on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 9:51 am

    the enemy thought it is a good tactic to get rid of Chua. Yes, the international media are all reporting about his sex video, but these media also did not forget to report that it was due to the power struggle within MCA. What a nice promotion for MCA’s politics?

    What a strange thing that no one blamed DAP and thus DAP got zero promotion?

  101. #102 by HJ Angus on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 9:53 am

    He has done the right thing to redeem his soul.
    Unlike many in the Cabinet where we see problems ranging from A to Z (as in APs to PKFZ).

  102. #103 by undergrad2 on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 10:03 am

    Everybody has skeletons in his closet if that is what most here are talking about.

    Should these skeletons fall out of the closet, on its own volition or with some help, and it interferes with the execution of your public duties then your oath of office mandates that you resign. It is different if you are a private citizen.

  103. #104 by scorpian6666 on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 10:12 am

    Dr.! you did nothing wrong legally, only cheat on your wife (who dont cheat their wives!, a lot of us don’t have the monies or the gut nor the looks and strength, we could only have visual sex with our visual girlfriends)
    Get this London forensic expert to find who’s behind all this illegal “shooting” and sue them big time! or at least get paid for acting.
    I am sure Lim would be more than willing to give free help. You might like to consider shifting camp, given the fact that Badawi not willing to help you out like he did with the LInGam Tape!
    Hope this help

  104. #105 by undergrad2 on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 10:16 am

    “Why is it Dr. Chua could not get way with what he did while Bill Clinton did?” Bigjoe

    President Clinton almost did not. He survived the impeachment process. With the U.S. Presidential system the President is directly elected by the people.

    Under our Parliamentary system, the leader of the political party which wins the general elections goes on to become Prime Minister. Ministers are then appointed by the Prime Minister who heads the Cabinet.

    Chua’s constituents have no say in the matter since he owes his position solely to the Prime Minister who alone could call for his resignation. He appeared to have left the matter to the party which can only mean that he wanted his resignation.

    So Chua did not survive the process but Clinton did.

  105. #106 by Bigjoe on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 10:16 am

    He did the right thing by resigning? I don’t think there have been any right thing done personally about this thing since the day at the hotel incident.

    The man resisted resigning. As DAP said, he thought he could get away with it, claiming naivette. He resigned because it would damage the party and he was not valuable enough for others to step up for him.

    I find it even more naseous that Ong Ka Ting commended Mrs. Chua for standing by Dr. Chua. The damn thing happened 2 years ago and even in his statement, he indicated he compared his situation with 4 wives for Muslims. OKT may think he is being supportive of Mrs. Chua but he is more likely to condone his colleague behaviour and encouraging Mrs. Chua own personal weakness.

    Sorry, I don’t sympathise with Dr. Chua’s family for standing with him. They have a right to decide what they want to do but personally, I don’t think she did the right thing. Even if Dr. Chua regret it now (which I don’t think so), she should leave him, take everything she can, have him crawl back to her in public like the bow-wow that he is.

    Frankly, there have been hardly any reedeeming personal action by ALL the players in this whole sad thing and that is my main point. We should be better than that but we are not because Dr. Chua and his colleagues got us here and we need to send the lesson to them that they have to lead us out of it, not complain about it.

  106. #107 by k1980 on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 10:17 am

    Will Ah Ting now install his brother Ah Chuan to be Health Minister?

  107. #108 by Counterpoint on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 10:19 am

    If this unrepentant politician didn’t resign, can he still keep a straight smiling face and say what he did a month ago, as reported here?:

  108. #109 by on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 10:23 am


    The fools are your fellow Malaysians who voted BN years after years.

    I knew Chua supporters tried to salvage him by saying there are other politicians more evil than him. His supporters even tried to fix online survey in

    I am sure he is not the only minister got young lovers or seeking prositute service. The rule of game is damned simple, if you caught pants down, game over.

    He should blame himself for his own foolery in using a same room and same hotel.

    As a grandfather, he shall be faithful to his wife and family.

    At least Chua admitted and be accountable for his own mistake. He is still a man unlike Chan Kwon Chai, Zakaria, Pak Lah, etc.

  109. #110 by Taikor on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 10:23 am

    All the speculations I read thus far points to nothing. It boggles the mind to think it’s actually an insider job. I’m eager to know who did it.

    But let it be known that I am anticipating to know who distributed the videos in a higly organised fashion. Other than this, I don’t think the video recording was a pre-planned move as many public accommodations are equipped with spy cameras. Many people know it. The video could have been “sold” by the hotel operator to interested parties and it eventually got into the hands of unscrupulous group. But the people who distribute it and possibly financed it’s operation must be quite influential. We just need to know it’s an inside job or an external plot.

  110. #111 by bystander on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 10:33 am

    I share twistedmind views fully. If you are a private citizen, nobody will care or mind who you have sex with. but once you are in public esp a minister you must maintain your dignity and values. Everyone has a choice. Going by what some argued for CSL, can you imagine what will happen if a minister is also a part time rapist or burglar doing these naughty things during their private time. where does one draw the line? Commiting adultery is a sin. The so-called personal friend could be for all you know a hired freelander. Maybe CSL has been doing once too often like the chinese saying “if you go up the mountain too often, you bound to meet a tiger”. Maybe like Bill Clinton, he is a habitual sex addict. What a hypocrite. he has the audacity to blame his sex escapade on the public.

  111. #112 by Godfather on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 10:37 am

    Whatever our views – whether Chua was right or wrong – we should not lose sight of the bigger issues at hand for the sake of the future generation. Let this personal matter pass, and continue the pressure on the den of thieves. Lingamgate is a far more serious issue if our descendants are to have any chance of a viable future.

  112. #113 by k1980 on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 10:43 am

    Come on lah, if there had only been allegations with no DVDs as proof, do you think old grandpa Chua would admit his adultery and resign as minister? Fat hopes

  113. #114 by bystander on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 10:43 am

    Lets vote BN OUT.

  114. #115 by Godfather on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 10:44 am

    That’s the spirit for 2008 – vote out the den of thieves.

  115. #116 by raverus on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 10:46 am

    Definitely smells like a betrayal.

  116. #117 by Godfather on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 10:48 am

    On a lighter note, my friends now say that Batu Pahat’s tigers were never extinct. Aside from Onn Jaafar, Batu Pahat has produced such luminaries as Chua, Kit, Vincent Tan, Lee Kim Yew. It must have been something to do with the water…

  117. #118 by Jeffrey on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 10:53 am

    His cheating on the wife – and (so the logic goes,if he could do that so he could cheat us in his official position) – is never really the real reason why many of us want Chua Soi Lek to resign. The fact that any public official is faithful to his spouse is no suggestion that he would not cheat the public coffers. It is just as consistent to argue that his doting on, and being faithful to the wife could also induce him to put his hand in the public till to enrich himself for his wife’s interest and security.

    In Chua’s case, it would have made no difference if the wife and him have had a mutual private arrangement to overlook such extra-marital liaison; it would not have made a difference if Dr Chua were a widower or bachelor having consensual sex with another adult of the opposite sex in the hotel ; for all I know it would not have made a difference if he were caught on CCTV making love to no one but himself (as in masturbation), and he would be labeled an infantile deviant : people would still demand that he go!

    The reason is because we cannot accept a public official holding high office to be compromised by shame. We ask how he would effective, conduct meetings with subordinates or colleagues who don’t respect him. Where there is public shame there can be no respect!

    If truth be said, the shame is about sex being made public!

    We are shamed of the sex act if it were publicized; we’re ashamed of our own bodies being filmed and circulated. We ask how can we respect a minister whom we have seen on tape naked and doing sex acts?

    How can we evolve to First World Mentality when we cannot even accept something as natural as our own biological imperative – sex – which is responsible for the propagation of our species?

    We use shame to substitute as reason and justice, reason in the sense that even if a public official were otherwise competent and honest in discharge of public office responsibilities, we impute otherwise of him because of overriding shame; justice in the sense that because of this shame we ignore justice and are prepared to reward and fulfill the objective of the below-the- belt perpetrators/blackmailers who used such dastardly tactics to drive from office their political opponent by hidden electronic surveillance.

    Thereby we set in motion such a political culture where scandals based on personal sexual morality will become yardstick to kick out politicians – not their record of public service.

    The fact is that, as Dr Chua said, we cannot arise above our hypocrisy. We can fornificate like rabbits in private and not seen, and that’s OK as long as it is not publicly known much more publicly viewed through DVD discs because of shame – ever since Adam & Eve were evicted from Garden of Eden whereupon they quickly took some fig leaves to conceal their natural body/private parts and had sex in the bush concealed from the view of the animals.

    It is not a justification to concede that we’re hypocrites in many areas as Big Joe did and ask where was Chua, did he lift a finger, when these were going on.

    The question is whether we ourselves are hypocrites when we are judging him, never mind he himself was one and never did anything to stop (say) the morality police hunting couples in public park.

    I am more interested in us, whether we too have the mentality of the moral police going around to hound those caught in the act when what they do logically has not been proven to harm us collectively except exacerbate and reflect our shame of something natural that it is questionable whether we should be so ashamed of in the first place.

    Whatever happens to these values of privacy, freedom of action for so long as no harm to others, honesty in admitting facts of life, resisting blackmailers etc – are they to be sacrificed because we are ashamed of the sex act especially when it is publicized and because we want to protect our own hypocrisy?

    The fact is that we expect our leaders to be an embodiment of our collective hypocrisy and not to shame us on that (sex act) which we feel ashamed off if publicised although it has no logical nexus with his performance of public office!

    This holier than thou attitude will only perpetuate our hypocrisy and diminish our voice to criticize the other hypocritical acts of our political leaders in their carrying out of public duties.

  118. #119 by Bigjoe on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 10:57 am

    Politically, I agree that the most immediate concern is MCA internal politics. Can MCA avoid internal strife because of this. I don’t think the current leadership has that strong a whole on the party. The Chinese are unhappy and MCA warlords are as selfish bunch as they come, professional political p**ps and w***es really.

    The thinking of quite a few is that really, the party is going to suffer in the next election anyway and not much they are able to do about it, so why not take advantage of it for themselves?

    Besides, there are other incident like the PKFZ which the other camp is responsible for.

    I have a dreaded feeling MCA is going to crash and burn which I never thought was a good thing.

  119. #120 by oknyua on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 10:58 am

    Godfather, (sorry to deviate a little,) you keep on mentioning Den of Thieves. In the book (James B Stewart), all the players ended in jail, except of course the prosecutors. Unfortunately in the Malaysian scenario, the prosecutors and the perpetrators are the same guys. So how to wrtie the conclusion to the book?

  120. #121 by Bigjoe on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 11:14 am

    I would like to point out that I agree with what most Jeffrey has to say except the charge he lay against me that I accept our own hypcrisy. Its more accurate to say that I don’t believe that looking to Malaysian to self-change is going to happen anytime soon and even if it did happen, it will be protracted by own politician self-interest to maintain that hypocrisy. In terms of priority, changing the politician hypocrisy should come first and the opportunity is rare. That is why I don’t delve on our own at this point.

    But Jeffrey is right, if we are able to get over our own hypocrisy first about race, religion and gender, this kinds of things would not matter and we would be better off.

  121. #122 by k1980 on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 11:16 am

    Funny why Chua’s mca and health ministry colleagues do not support him the way Razak Bagindo’s wife and friends did— by wearing T-shirts printed with “We are CSL’s colleagues” in front “and proud of it” at the back. Or are they just fair weather friends?

  122. #123 by k1980 on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 11:22 am

    How many of the crooked clowns below do you think God will accept into paradise upon their demise?

  123. #124 by Godfather on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 11:32 am


    The day of reckoning will come. There is no other alternative. When the thieves have stolen everything until there is nothing left to steal, they will turn on themselves. In the animal kingdom, even the predators become cannibals when there is nothing left to eat.

    Then the conclusion to the book will be written, and both Mahathir and Badawi will feature prominently in the final chapter – one as predecessor and the other as the successor of the leadership of the den of thieves.

  124. #125 by k1980 on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 11:34 am

    There was a crooked grandpa
    Who led a crooked life.
    He found a crooked ‘friend’
    Wearing a crooked smile.
    He took the crooked friend
    To a crooked hotel room,
    And they had crooked fun
    Taped by a crooked camera

  125. #126 by Traveller on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 11:48 am

    “If a Minister is caught perjuring himself be it on the witness stand, in court or out of court during a deposition, it matters not because his act causes no harm to anybody? It is acceptable even though he has broken the oath of office he took when he became Minister?”..undergrad2

    I didn’t say that perjury would not be wrong because there appears to be no victim. Actually, the victim is the judicial process and the search for the truth that may find somebody innocent or guilty. Lying or perjury is the trap that many politicians would fall into in the U.S. That was what got Clinton into trouble in the Lewinsky case; or more recently, Scooter Libby in the CIA operative case.
    In Clinton’s case, the affair itself, though distasteful and disappointing, was not a crime that nearly cost his presidency, but it was the lying during the investigation that caused him to be impeached. Extramural sex by presidents is nothing new and many people would consider that a private matter. Also note that most of the Republican congressmen who acted as prosecutors in the impeachment proceeding of Clinton later lost their seats. The Clinton affair was an unfortunate event because his presidency could have done great things compared to what Bush is doing right now.
    I consider lying during legal proceedings or criminal investigations as an act of dishonesty to the public, so are shoplifting, etc, that you mentioned about, because those are real chargeable crimes. I would put the latter the same as stealing or corruption. That affects people because you are subverting a legal process or stealing from somebody else.
    On the moral scale, all these acts are wrong. But what I am saying is the hypocrisy of this Chua event and how it is treated by the govt and the media.
    I am arguing that in the Malaysian standard, where there is so much corruption and abuse of power that victimised more Malaysians, how is it that a small private affair is the cause of a downfall?
    Read RPK’s column about whether that somebody’s wife has a second or third husband and you would find that not everybody is as clean as it looks, and that involves the top man in the country.
    The Zakaria case or PKFZ scandal or the selling out of Chinese or Indian community’s interest by MCA or MIC for personal gains, the police and judicial corruptions, release of crime lords, etc., are even more obscene and much worst in my book.
    If people were to go after MPs that have mistresses/affairs, we wouldn’t be able to set up a parliament, except if you insist on priests and imans as MPs. Even that is not a guarantee that there is no sexual escapade in their closets.

  126. #127 by Cinapek on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 12:26 pm

    I think there was more than a hint of double betrayal in CSL’s press conference when he announced his resignation. He sounded bitter and sarcastic when he said :

    “… some Malaysians can be said to be “holier than thou”. This means they are all ‘ulama’ and ….will be a burden to the Govt. and party, especially in the context of Islam Hadhari….”

    Those “malaysians” can only be people who has access to him and not any joe public. And those who have access and able to “advise” him to step down has to be his equals or superiors. Thus, he must have felt betrayed. He had expected them to support him. And I wonder about that “Islam Hadhari” bit? What has that got to do with this whole issue? Is he trying to hint at something or somebody involved with the concept of Islam Hadhari? Mmmmm? I wonder.

  127. #128 by Loh on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 12:49 pm

    Now that Chua has resigned, the question of whether he should or should not resign does not arise.

    He most probably will not be asked to go, even if he was known to have done what he did in the hotel with his girl friend. That was his private affair. He had to leave because he was caught in the video, with the scenes that embarassed him. He is a victim and the photographers said to be filming from four different angles are the real perpetrators.

    The filming was politically motivated, and most probably an organized crime. The government should solve the case before it develops into real life assasination.

  128. #129 by Traveller on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 1:10 pm

    “The filming was politically motivated, and most probably an organized crime.” Loh

    I agree that something is very wrong..not the sex but the betrayal and the power behind it all.
    Chua should file a police report just to question the woman and the hotel management. Not that I trust the police very much but he has nothing more to lose unless he has his own means to get his justice.
    To imagine that the perpetrator may be sitting at one of the highest levels of MCA is frightening.
    Well, the Roman empire fall by infighting and the rot within.

  129. #130 by Man_of_Honour on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 3:25 pm

    Hmm, I personally understand why Dr. CSL wanted to become a reporter liao…

    If you ask me to choose between being famous or being a reporter, I’ll surely choose reporter in this case.

  130. #131 by Earshot on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 4:54 pm

    “I won’t be the first and I won’t be the last (politician to be caught in such a situation),” Mr Chua said. “It is up to the public to judge me.” as reported in,25197,23000171-2703,00.html

    does speak volumes.

  131. #132 by AhPek on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 5:09 pm

    ‘In terms of priority, changing the politician hypocrisy should come first ….’Bigjoe.

    And how can changing the politician hypocrisy should come first without first stripping off our own hypocrisy.As Jeffrey rightly pointed out the politician represents an embodiment of our collective hypocrisy.His hypocrisy is in simple harmonic motion with ours if I may use a mathematical term.
    This is precisely why we view CSL case to be graver than the PKFZ scandal,Zakaria case,Lingamgate episode,police corruption,auditor general’s report on blatant mismanagement of public’s funds and many many more.In fact Altantuya’s case is almost forgotten by the public!!

  132. #133 by shortie kiasu on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 7:44 pm

    He may be a rising star in MCA but he direly lacks political shrewdness.

    He does not what are the “do’s” and the “don’ts” and walk the tight rope extremely caustiously.

    How he could have his sexually trysts at exactly the same places times and again? That naivity is the killer blows to him that send him to his political grave.

    No pity, he has had his great times in all ways.

  133. #134 by boh-liao on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 8:22 pm

    CSL’s greatest regret is “Check into the same hotel and into the same room” (for how many times, we don’t know) – thus leading to him and his personal friend being filmed through a premeditated act. Just like 007 movies.

    CSL’s greatest regret is not ‘aiyah, I should not have started screwing around’.

    He said that now he is glad that he is no longer a minister and VIP, just an ordinary citizen, and he can walk into any hotel and book any room without any fear. Carry on, ex-minister!

    Why is he referred to as a 60 or 61 old man? He was born in 1949 and is 58 years young. Looks like Malaysians can’t count properly.

  134. #135 by sec on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 8:45 pm

    Our politicians are ” paria” compare with our neigbouring country. If you are a politicain or people reprentative with post in the cabinet; when you step into the night club or vice area; the next day will get a warning or even sacked from the authourity wheather it is private/ personal matter.
    The Old man dislike the most because the spy trap is always there and the victim entangled into it; he /she will betray his/her own country.
    He did say that our Ministers are nuts only know how to corrupt and play girls. Not even a minister dare to protest what he said.
    There is no excuss for CSL

  135. #136 by undergrad2 on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 9:06 pm

    “I am arguing that in the Malaysian standard, where there is so much corruption and abuse of power that victimised more Malaysians, how is it that a small private affair is the cause of a downfall?” Traveller

    I do not disagree with what you say about the rampant corruption and the abuse of power which has gone unpunished.

    The only issue is whether he could continue with his ministerial duties with the kind of diligence expected of him, or whether given the circumstances it is reasonable to expect him to avoid attending public functions and meetings and conferences which constitute the major part of the duties of a Cabinet Minister.

    You could separate the issues and say even that it has little to do with the VCR that is in circulation which is no doubt a source of extreme embarrassment to him and his family. What cannot be denied is that his liaison with his girlfriend while still married and the private nature of the act in which he’s involved is captured on video and is out there – and who knows what else is out there. To deny that this would not interfere with his duties as Minister is to deny the obvious.


    We do not know what else is out there and one issue that we have all ignored is the probability of a moral blackmail based on material yet to be disclosed, and the damage it could do to the government. A person in his situation would make the perfect candidate for acts the Official Secrets Act is meant to prevent.

    Of course, this is not to say that others who are not facing a similar situation would not do it.

    In short, if I were to find myself in the same situation I would resign as Minister but I would not resign from my party posts and I would not allow my seat to fall vacant. Whether I’d be nominated to stand for the coming general elections is a matter up to the party leadership. If I do not get the nomination and support from my party, I’d understand.

    Politics is all about perception.

  136. #137 by kjwen on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 9:15 pm

    He must not quit in pride, but in shame. Just say, “I have done wrong and I am sorry.”

  137. #138 by undergrad2 on Thursday, 3 January 2008 - 10:52 pm

    It is not about infidelity per se and unfitness to hold public office because of his failure to adhere to moral standards expected of someone in his position. It is because of the real risk of moral blackmail. We do not know what else is out there. We need to investigate all his decisions during the time he served on the Cabinet and to find out if some of these contracts could nullified.

  138. #139 by undergrad2 on Friday, 4 January 2008 - 6:55 am

    GE 2004 Chua MCA

    Total No of Polled Voters
    Votes in Favour

    Total Voters Ratio






  139. #140 by undergrad2 on Friday, 4 January 2008 - 6:56 am

    DAP stands a good of winning in 2008

  140. #141 by DarkHorse on Friday, 4 January 2008 - 7:12 am

    Yes, but the DAP candidate then only got some 5k votes compared to 16k plus votes for MCA out of a total of some 23k votes?

  141. #142 by bystander on Friday, 4 January 2008 - 9:24 am

    Lets vote DAP but not forgeting to help BA and PAS. This is the only sure strategy of getting BN out, failing which at least reduce their substantial majority. These BN bunch of crooks, thieves, imbeciles, incompetents must be removed. Lets take Penang, Sabah, Sarawak, Kelantan, Trengganu, Perlis and Kedah. That would be a great start for all opposition parties for 2008. But one has to watch out for EC which is bias and will do anything to ensure a win for BN including votes rigging.

  142. #143 by Rocky on Friday, 4 January 2008 - 9:42 am

    who the hell is Ng Yen Yen to tell us stop talking about CSL or any other issues like her PR status?

    This woman ask other ladies to wear see thru lingerie for their husband etc and gives tips on making husbands happy.Should she talk to CSL’s wife? No? well she should watch the video and recommend some tips from it.

    what are we now, told when to shit and when eat and when and what to talk.

    Take a hike Ng Yen Yen. This is still a bloody free world. Show us a law that says we can’t talk about it. Otherwise just shut up or go to Australia.

  143. #144 by megaman on Friday, 4 January 2008 - 10:18 am

    hi bystander,

    Even the most biased and crooked EC wld not be able to doctor or reverse an election where the people has clearly choose the opposition.

    Impossible to rig an election to the point that they can reverse a more than 50% margin.
    Anything less, maybe.
    A small margin (less than 10%), definitely.

    Therefore, the only way the opposition can survive and continue to serve as a formidable check and balance in parliament is through an overwhelming mandate given by the rakyat.

    Then whoever is in power, would remember that it is the rakyat that holds the true power not them.

  144. #145 by juarezfkw on Friday, 4 January 2008 - 11:33 am

    Election is around the corner and everyone is anxious on the exact date! I forsee an increase in opposition mp in this election and i hope i am right! DAP will get more mp’s and that’s essential! Malaysia is going backwards instead of forward. Govern by a whole bunch of so called ” Pemimpin”! Malaysia Boleh????? The answer is >YES—Boleh membazir duit menghantar manusia ke angkasa lepas! Boleh membazir duit dengan SUPER MEGA PROJECT!! A waste of the RAKYAT’s money! A waste of the country’s resources and time!

  145. #146 by bystander on Friday, 4 January 2008 - 12:34 pm

    Let us be realistic megaman. you are not going to get a 50% margin. You are not assuming that BN is so weak,not forgetting that BN is the incumbent. One would already be considered lucky if there is a close and fair fight. This is where rigging comes in to alter the result like postal votes. If rigging is not an issue, why do you think there was a peaceful protest held by Bersih? Its because reforms are needed to EC to ensure a fair and clean election so that the opposition will have a fair chance. Why do you think there is violence in Kenya? Its maybe partly because of “vote rigging”.

  146. #147 by Bobster on Friday, 4 January 2008 - 2:59 pm

    Unfortunately this is the world that we live in based on feedback from this forum.

    Nobody will ever remember all the good things that you have contributed to the country and society. But when you make one mistake the whole world will start condemning.

    Banning illegal substance in pig farming (what the hell the previous Chua Jui Meng did during his tenure … sleeping kah. No wonder Chinese scores highest among cancer patients), banning illegal substance in yellow noodle, promoting healthy eating, less sugar and less fat in Mamat stores (too many Malays and Indians suffer heart disease and diabetic and die by age of 50s and early 60s), strict rules for import of Chinese medicines which contain high level of lead, increase salary of doctors in general hospital and I know he is trying very hard cleaning up the mess in the Health Ministry and government hospitals and in the process probably offended many old foxes not forgetting own enemies in MCA due to his sudden rise.

    Dr Chua, you have done well for all Malaysians. Big Thank You to You (though I don’t vote for MCA).

    Hope 40% who condemning what you did in your private life are merely your political rivals, not we average Malaysians. If so our education system and country in general is in seriously trouble, quick to approve and forgive those corrupted ministers who squander of billions from the rakyat but slow to remember the good ones who did so much for the rakyat and country.

    Still remember what you mentioned in one of the press conferences when the hard headed pig farmers decided to go head on with your ministry. Dr Chua, “I am more worry to get my head chop off by 4 million Chinese than thousands of pigs farmers who decide to carrying on using the illegal substances and go on strike”.

    Salute you Dr Chua for being a Man of Word. You just show us you dare to relinquish all your political power for the sake of the nation, not like some formal Tun Ling Leong Sik, after so many scandals like Berjaya Industry (10 yrs ago), PKFZ and Transmile etc still dare to claim to be the champion for University of Utar.

    Wake up call for all Malaysians and Chinese in particular in this forum. Hello, are you there!?

  147. #148 by ssborneo on Friday, 4 January 2008 - 9:29 pm

    At 1st I don’t wanna comment anything. But after reading Sani’s stupid comment, i really wanna say something here. How can you compare KLCC with patients lying in hospitals. Stupid comment! Dr Chua was as the health minister for 3.5 years only and he was indeed trying to clean up the mess as what Bobster says. Don’t ya know how many years you need to clean up the big mess? What he’d done indeed is very good for us, such as banning those extra lead medicine from China. Without all these, more people would have died of cancels. All these are long-term effect towards healthy Malaysia. And another thing is Malaysia’s Chinese are fighting each other … soon all Chinese will finish in this country. Be prepared to migrate la ….. if you’re a professional …

  148. #149 by prelude3372 on Friday, 4 January 2008 - 9:59 pm

    Hmmm…..I wonder when the VCD of a certain rumors about sex video clip involving a high rank UMNO youth leader……just waiting for it……

  149. #150 by 1eyecls on Friday, 4 January 2008 - 10:29 pm

    when we compared CHUA SOI LEK with TAN CHAI HO,we will see an outspoken man with a dumb,but when you are capable doesnt mean that you are good,so which type you prefer?

    I rily admired the mature-thinking of the americans(usa,not south americans),they are going to hv a black President,Obama(luckly not OSAMA!) in the very near future!If Malaysia in the near future can accept Chinese or Indian(not Mamak) PM,i will convert Islam Hadhari with immediate effect!HAHAHA!

  150. #151 by raven77 on Saturday, 5 January 2008 - 1:01 am

    Maybe a bright Chinaman should just embrace Islam, take PAS by storm and save all his Chinese brethren…….any takers……..

  151. #152 by AhPek on Saturday, 5 January 2008 - 1:09 am

    ‘Impossible to rig an election to the point that they can reverse more than 50% margin.Anything less,maybe.’. Megaman.

    Honestly I don’t know on what basis you derive from to arrive to the conclusion that opposition would win by a 50% margin which I seriously think is too far-fetched.Don’t get me wrong though for if it is true I’ll be one of the happiest man on earth!
    The point is that the playing field is stacked so lopsidedly that it would be near impossible for opposition to deny two thirds majority rule to BN, not to mention toppling the regime

  152. #153 by worried-malaysian on Saturday, 5 January 2008 - 9:09 am





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