by Richard Teo
How could god fearing leaders perpetuate a lie in order to further their agenda of remaining in office?
For DPM, Najib to label Hindraf as a violent and extremist group is doing a great injustice to the marginalised miniority Malaysian indians. This is a blatant lie that honest, fair minded citizens cannot accept as the truth.
How could a peaceful group of Hindraf supporters who participated in a peaceful assembly just two weeks ago suddenly being transformed into a terrorist group is beyond the comprehension of Malaysians of all race and creed.
Quite obviously, Najib was merely parroting what the Attorney-General Gani Patil was arguing in the courts to deny bail for the 31 Hindraf supporters. (They were denied bail.) On the basis of a flimsy Police report without proper investigative measure he surmised that Hindraf was a terrorist group with contacts with the Tamil Tigers, LTTE.
How could any one classify Hindraf as a terrorist group when their only crime to date was to participate in a peaceful assembly to articulate their grievances? An assembly that was deemed illegal because of the govt’s decision not to issue them with a permit.
If at all it was accused as a terrorist organisation then it must be the world’s most harmless group of terrorists because it had not fired a single bullet, it has not caused any violence, it has not professed the destruction of any instituition and yet beyond the imagination of fair minded people they were called an extremist terrorist organisation.
Perhaps their only folly or mistake was to insert the offensive term of ethnic cleansing in their memorandum of petition which they had purpotedly filed with the British Embassy.A more appropriate replacement of words in their petition would be marginalisation and discrimination of the non-malays in general and the Indians in particular.
For the PM to follow the DPM in lying is most unforgiveable, especially in full public view of the mainstream media.
At the IMT-CT SME conference and Expo 2007 the PM went on record to say,”Half of the cabinet is non-malays,non UMNO members and non-muslims”. If we refer to the Prime Minister Office web-site we will find that 69% or 22 out of the 32 cabinet Ministers are from UMNO, 23 out of 32 cabinet Ministers are Malays, 25 out of 32 ministers are bumiputra and 23 cabinet Ministers are muslims.
I do not wish to be too harsh on both of them because they are both religious people but would I be impolite to say that they are both liars?