Is JB crime under control – or must people cross causeway to Singapore to feel safe?

Is JB crime under control - or must people cross causeway to Singapore to feel safe

The public hearing of the Parliamentary Caucus on Human Rights and Good Governance in Johor Baru on Sunday at Tropical Inn at 2.30 p.m. will be an opportunity to assess whether the people of Johor Baru are satisfied with recent police actions to fight crime or whether more have to be done by the police to wipe out the high crime index and the fear of crime and end the situation where people only feel safe when they cross the causeway into Singapore.

It has been asked why the Parliamentary Caucus on Human Rights and Good Governance is holding a public hearing at the Tropical Inn in JB on Sunday on “Fight Rising Crime”, as if crime has nothing to do with human rights.

This is a great fallacy, for the fundamental right to be free from crime and to be safe and secure in the streets, public places and the privacy of the homes must rank as the first of all human rights, without which all other human rights have no meaning. The safety of its citizens must is also the acid test of effective government and good governance.

The Parliamentary Caucus on Human Rights and Good Governance want to popularize the concept that Malaysians must be restored their two most fundamenal rights, to be free from crime and the fear of crime, which were unquestioned rights of all Malaysians in the first three decades of nationhood.

In the past 10 to 15 years, law and order have started to break down in several areas in the country to the extent that some urban centres in Peninsular Malaysia acquired the notoriety as hot spots of crime, particularly JB, Kuala Lumpur, Petaling Jaya, Penang and Ipoh.

This trend has not been reversed or checked despite the establishment of the Royal Police Commission and its Report and 125 recommendations to create an efficient and professional world-class police service to control and reduce crime.

The public hearings of the Parliamentary Caucus on Human Rights and Good Governance on “Fight Rising Crime” in JB, Petaling Jaya and Bukit Mertajam in the next week is not a police-bashing exercise but to create greater awareness among the police and public of the need for a joint effort to control and reduce crime to make our homeland and towns safe again not only for the residents, but also for tourists and investors.

  1. #1 by sotong on Friday, 6 July 2007 - 3:48 pm

    When the people live in fear of crime, it speaks volume of the failure of the government to protect the basic rights of its citizens.

  2. #2 by k1980 on Friday, 6 July 2007 - 4:49 pm

    50 years of merdeka and we still have half-baked boy scouts playing at being “policemen”. It’s time to call back the Brits to set up a real police force in this country.

  3. #3 by Libra2 on Friday, 6 July 2007 - 5:29 pm

    When police themselves are committing crime, what crime free society are we talking about?
    Even former IGP Tan Sri Hanif Omar said in his column that he is also scared to go out!!
    Every parent is scared for their children’s safety. Conduct a poll to prove me wrong.

  4. #4 by ihavesomethingtosay on Friday, 6 July 2007 - 5:52 pm

    Is the custom safe now? you sure about that?

  5. #5 by takazawa on Friday, 6 July 2007 - 7:27 pm

    Most of us have heard that banks are legalised robbers; doctors are legalised drug pushers; but worst of all is that the PDRM and UMNO are not only legalised mafias and bandits, but also the most gruesome and heinous ones in human history. The irony is that they are all beyond reproach. Talk about lawlessness and anarchy!

    Well, if the govt wants to talk about law and order, I guess it does not need to look east which is thousand of miles away when it can look across the causeway which is only less than 1km away.

  6. #6 by democratic junkie on Friday, 6 July 2007 - 9:49 pm

    IDR should be known as ICR…..Iskandar Crime Region

  7. #7 by sheriff singh on Friday, 6 July 2007 - 10:50 pm

    Perhaps its about time to employ some Gurkhas to take charge, just like what everyone is doing now.

  8. #8 by justice_fighter on Friday, 6 July 2007 - 11:32 pm

    We really can’t blame it too much as we have a sleeping and always-talk-no-action Internal Security Minister cum PM who does not seem to bother at all as long as he draws the salaries of multiple minister posts at the end of every month.

  9. #9 by non-conformist on Saturday, 7 July 2007 - 12:02 am

    Why the Brit or the Gurkhas?
    The Chinese will do nicely…
    Why no Chinese want to join the police force?

  10. #10 by dawsheng on Saturday, 7 July 2007 - 12:29 am

    If a police officer is willing to accept bribes and did not upheld the laws, it will tarnish the reputation of the once noble proffession in Malaysia. Now we saw how it became, but who is to blame for all the fear for crimes when we were part of the maker of the police is today. We have to accept the responsibilties that the failures of police to protect its citizen is our faults. Now we have to fix it before it cannot be fix. Stop offering bribes, will you?

  11. #11 by hkgan on Saturday, 7 July 2007 - 1:04 am

    Outsource our corrupt police force to Singapore Police

  12. #12 by anand on Saturday, 7 July 2007 - 3:13 am

    Hi guys ,
    You know why the Gov increase their salaries …
    then you must read this.

  13. #13 by kleptocrats on Saturday, 7 July 2007 - 10:09 am

    This is the way our police force carry out their duty. Unbelievably stupid. No wonder our crime rates so high. Quality not quantity I say.

  14. #14 by Kingkong on Saturday, 7 July 2007 - 2:05 pm

    See how a Singaporean looks at us, we got to be very ashamed; A Singaporean’s view on our JB’ crimes. – from Malaysia Today.

    liberty wrote:

    I am a Singaporean and I do love Malaysia…..I have relatives there and with that that I feel for all Malaysians because we are so close. But yet at the same time I feel too that we are too far.

    Certain faction of the media and politicians in Malaysia has always trumped up what my MM Lee comments made about Malaysia. What has he said?

    He made a statement in court some years back that Johor has a high crime rate and the Malaysian media wag him so much till he had to retract the statement. I am sure that made the Malaysian media proud…. But do we have today in Johor or even Malaysia? Gang rapes,robbery,carjacking,rape cum murder, police refusing to give assistance when requested, woman bombed by UTK personnel, bombs allowed to be kept by UTK, corruption, IGP rumoured of being on the take and the list goes on and on.

    Singapore has its crimes too but for a population of 5 million people, crimes are solved quite quickly and efforts are made for crime prevention actively.

    And you know what, Singapore’s leadership has always emphasised that they must be clean and that they must be seen as clean. Thus they pay themselves a very high salary… highest in the world some might say. But we can dont bother that much….you know why?…Because there is light on every corner of the country so that its people dont have to worry walking out at night, overhead bridges for the safety of its rakyat when crossing the road, sloping edge of every single pavement in the country so that the wheelchair can cross, bridges or flyover which are painted so that it will be pleasing to the eye and potholes which are repaired almost intantly the moment anyone complaint. Yes anyone….need not be a Datuk. Anyone even if he is a cleaner. Damn! That is why even with the high pay we might grumble initially, jealousy sometimes but we would not say that we are too bothered. At least money are placed back into the country for the public to see. We also get money every year as economy bonus or tax offset. $400 – $1000.

    What do Malaysian Datuks do? Look at your roads, buildings….. I see young children having to walk at the edge of the roads as there is no pavements battling with Mat Rempits. Overhead bridges are but few. Why? Because all the money has been taken out into the Datuks Swiss accounts. Thereafter they go around looking for pussies and young girls to marry.

    Singapore dont have to invade Malaysia…. Dont worry my brothers. We hope you prosper so that we in Singapore prosper too.

    Malaysian government is so corrupt and weak so much that even if my forces were to walk into malaysia until Malacca your government would not yet been aware. And that is a fact!
    07/07 11:31:12

  15. #15 by moong cha cha II on Saturday, 7 July 2007 - 3:29 pm

    i say it is the fault of Singapore.
    they dont do enuf shopping in JB to help JB citizens, thus crime rate go up.

    just like Johor – UMNO accused Singapore for the flood in JB.
    now Johor – UMNO inviting (begging) Singapore to invest in IDR !

    no principle !

  16. #16 by shortie kiasu on Saturday, 7 July 2007 - 4:21 pm

    How would any right-minded foreign investors, especially Singaporeans who know the horrendous and terror security in Johor in and out, dare to venture into Johor’s IDR, or any part of Johor, if crime is the issue that the state and federal government is still grappling to show some sensible results in solving them; but desperately and perpetually in a state of self-denial of the real situation?

    After the public hearing of the Parliamentary Caucus on Human Rights and Good Governance, what would be next? Would there any positive and affirmative actions to show?

    We always have a lot of talks and hearings, but the government of Abdullah is deaf to all these and probably immunized.

    May be it more interesting to talk about “listening to the advice of wives” for those who have them.

  17. #17 by democrate on Saturday, 7 July 2007 - 6:18 pm

    If you were to visit one of the banks in JB you will notice people entering and coming out of the bank will behave like a thief .cos they have to look left and right ,back and front to make sure that they will not be robbed or being followed by snatch thief. YOU MIGHT BE A NEXT VICTIM IF YOU FORGET!
    Those staying in non gated housing scare of disposing rubbish outside the house COS SNATCH THIEF WIL APPEAR ANYTIME. and walking alone even in daytime has to be alert when strangers coming towards you or coming behind you.
    Those morning joggers must prepared with some cash in case a Parang is pointed AT you anytime YOU hv to give them somthing !
    These are true facts and be frank, two of my family members were the victims b4.

  18. #18 by k1980 on Saturday, 7 July 2007 - 7:26 pm

    It is the fault of the Singaporean tourists.
    They should wear t-shirts with the front proclaiming “I am rich Singapore tourist” and “please rob me!” at the back. Thus the criminals would no longer rob the poor johoreans.

  19. #19 by ShiokGuy on Sunday, 8 July 2007 - 11:40 am

    “Why no Chinese want to join the police force?”
    There is a saying in Chinese :-

    “Good man will never be a soldier”
    “Good Iron will never be make into nail”

    I hope I translate it correctly. Uncle kit can you help?


  20. #20 by Kingkong on Sunday, 8 July 2007 - 12:09 pm

    Dear k1980,

    Just curious, may I know how old are you?

  21. #21 by k1980 on Sunday, 8 July 2007 - 2:40 pm

    To Kingkong 12:09:21

    I am just advising Singaporean tourists to follow Razak Bag’s magnificent t-shirt example

  22. #22 by Kingkong on Monday, 9 July 2007 - 10:23 am

    To k1980,

    Ok, thanks!

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